ch.nagatarun kumar 3rd semester 21year old male resident of miryalaguda came to casualty with chief complaints of fever since 5 days, c/o decreased appetite since 7days, c/o vomiting since 1day, c/o sob since morning. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5days back then he developed fever which was insidious in onset, intermittent and was of high grade type a/w chills and relieved on medication. Pt had h/o 1episode of vomiting 1day back which was non-bilious,non- projectile. No h/o any burning micturition, throat pain, cold,cough. PAST HISTORY: Not a k/c/o HTN,DM, CAD, asthma, TB, epilepsy. PERSONAL HISTORY: Patient has mixed diet with normal appetite and adequate sleep. he has normal bowel movements and bladder filling. No addictions. No significant family history or allergic history. GENERAL EXAMNATION: Patient is c/c/c ,moderately built and moderately nourished. No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, pedal edema. VIT...