54 M with fever ,vomiting ,SOB

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input. 
Date of admission of patient : 26/11/2023
Case:  54 years old male came to OPD with vomitings , fever , SOB  since 5 days

Chief complaints : 
Fever since 5 days 
SOB since 5 days 
Vomitings since 3 days 

History of present illness :
The patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back then he developed fever, high grade, not relieved with medication , associated with chills and rigors and not associated with burning micturition , significant loss of weight.
SOB since 5 days, grade III , no orthopnea , pnd.
Also presents with vomitings since 3 days, non bilious, non blood stained , watery, 2-3 episodes foul smelling seen per day .
Ulcer over left foot,since 4 months, associated with edema of foot which is seen upto the level of ankle .
He also developed blebs over the plantar aspect of the left leg which made him slightly difficult in walking .

Before developing of these symptoms he used to 

History of past illness:
Known case of diabetic 14 years 
Known case of hypertension 20 years 
Not a known case of TB , thyroid,asthma ,epilepsy,cad,cva.

Treatment history:
For diabetes :glimiperide 
For htn:amlodipine
Family history :
Postive family history of his father and mother with diabetes.

personal history :
Sleep: adequate
Diet : vegetarian
Appetite :decreased currently 
Bowel and bladder movements normal 

General examination :
Patient is concious, coherent and cooperative.
He is moderately built ,moderately nouriched currently .
Pallor : absent 
Icterus :absent 
Clubbing: absent 
Oedema : present on left leg ,upto ankle  grade 1
Genaralised lymphadenopathy: no 
Sarcopenia and central obesity seen 
Vitals --
Bp: 120/80
PR: 98bpm
Rr:26 cpm
Temp:febrile (103.1 f)
Fever charting:

Systemic examination:
Cvs: s1 and s2 heard 
 Respiratory system

Inspection :

Chest moving equally bilaterally on respiration

No visible pulsation no engorged veins

No scars and sinuses

Palpitation : 

All inspectory finding are confirmed on palpation

Trachea central

Bilateral equal chest movements

Tactile vocal fremitus equal in both side lung fields

Percussion :

Resonant in all fields

Auscultation :

Clear in all fields

NVBS heard

Abdomen: soft and non tender
CNS examination:

Higher mental functions normal

Cranial nerves normal

Sensory system

Fine touch normal

Crude touch normal

Vibration sensation 

Motor system:

Tone normal 


Biceps 5/5



Gluteus maximus 5/5


Biceps jerk ++

Triceps jerk++

Knee jerk ++

Ankle jerk ++

Cerebellar signs negative

Meningeal signs negative

Chest x-ray
At admission 
Grbs :311 mg / dl
On 28/11/23..

    PR 92bpm

    BP  140/90

     RR 26cpm 

    GRBS  157mg/dl 

   RR - nvbs 


  PLBS - 178 mg/dl
On 28 nov 
On 29 nov:
Provisional diagnosis:
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
With diabetic foot on left leg
With hypertension.


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